Scanning mode | Electronic array |
Display mode | B, B/M, color doppler version with B+Color, B+PDI, B+PW |
Probe element | 80/128/192 |
Channel of RF circuit board | 16/32/64 |
Probe frequency | Linear head: 7.5MHz/10MHz Small Linear head: 10MHz/14MHz |
Scan depth | Linear head: 20/40/60/100mm Small Linear head: 20/30/40/55mm |
Head width | Linear head:40mm Small Linear head: 25mm |
Image Adjust | BGain, TGC, DYN, Focus, Depth, Harmonic, Denoise, Color Gain, Steer, PRF |
Cineplay | auto and manual, frames can set as 100/200/500/1000 |
Puncture assist function | Yes |
Measure | Length, Area, Angle, heart rate, Obstetrics |
Image formats | jpg, avi and DICOM format |
Image frame rate | 18 frames / second |
Battery working time | 3 - 5 hours (based on type of usage) |
Battery charge | 2 hours by USB or wireless charge |
Dimension | 156×60×20mm |
Weight | 220g-250g |
Wifi type | 802.11g/20MHz/5G/450Mbps |
Operating system | Apple iOS and Android, Windows |