
Payment Methods

Selecting a payment method

During checkout you will be presented with the following payment options:

1. Paypal / Credit Card

2. Cheque / Money Order (Direct Debit)

Paypal / Credit Card

Paypal is a secure payment option that allows you to pay without entering any credit card details.

Customers usually prefer this option due to the high buyer protection standards that enable customers to shop securely knowing that their money is in safe hands. Customers using Paypal generally enjoy freedom from fraudulent sellers, fake or misleading products, unauthorized transactions and much more. Having the power and convenience to recover from any such event is crucial.

NOTE: You can use Paypal to pay via credit card. Choose Paypal as your checkout payment option and then when you see the Paypal login page, choose to pay by card.

Pay by card with paypal

Cheque / Money Order (Direct Debit)

Please pay the total amount of the order to our bank account and put the order id as the description

Once we received the funds we will ship the order to you.

BSB: 193-879

Account #: 470359771

Name: myozessentials

How we handle your payment

All payments processed through this website are done through SSL and are PCI DSS compliant with the highest levels of encryption. We do not store any payment-related information or data.

Your payment details are transacted securely and safely.

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